Calendar of Events

August 2023
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Events in the month of August 2023
Join us for another NEAIR membership networking event - members at all stages of their career are invited to meet one another and discuss topics from the perspectives of their experiences within IR.
Want to organize a strategy to improve data literacy on campus? Based on the implementation and evaluation of the Data Literacy Institute (joint program between the Association for Institutional Research and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities) and the development of a playbook that frames various aspects of data culture at institutions, this workshop covers approaches to evaluating the existing culture, components to consider in curating a professional development program centered on improving data literacy, strategies for overcoming barriers to improve the data culture, and conditions needed to sustain a community of practice around data literacy. There are no technology requirements, however, a workbook will be provided so that learners have the option to track their progress when they take the program back to their campuses. To improve data literacy, it is important to understand the culture, stakeholders, and obstacles at your institution. As such, this program may be most accessible to intermediate and advanced institutional researchers. However, beginners who are curious and have a desire to work towards establishing a culture of evidence on campus will benefit also.
Join Bethany Miller (Macalester College), Shama Akhtar (Goucher College), and Nancy Floyd (Minnesota State Colleges and Universities) for a conversation related to the proliferation of DEI legislation around the country and its potential impact on the field of institutional research. The conversation will focus on the impact of the latest Supreme Court and other rulings on higher education institutions and their goals related to student success.

NEAIR Guiding Lights are free to all.
Part II to the National Student Clearinghouse session in July, participants will learn how to visualize their NSC data in Tableau and a free resource called Sankeymatic. Using these tools, we can see where applicants are attending and who the institution's competitors are. We will investigate ways to encourage user interaction to filter data by institution, gender, or race and see how the Sankey shifts. Analysis was conducted in RStudio during Part 1 of the series, but it is certainly not necessary to have a working knowledge of R. A heavily commented R Markdown file will be provided so participants in this workshop can refer to it, if necessary, and will know what to do in their preferred data analysis software.