Election Cycle Information


NEAIR seeks candidates from a variety of identities, backgrounds, and professional experiences to represent our organization in the leadership roles listed below. Each position is linked to a detailed description of the role and responsibilities. 

Please nominate yourself or a colleague by Friday, April 21, 2023.

Steering Committee members (3-year terms):

The Private Sector and At-Large Representative will fill the Membership Chair-Elect position OR the Grants Chair-Elect position on the Steering Committee. View the current Steering Committee member list or the past leadership team list.

Nominating Committee members (1-year term):

Election Timeline:

  • Nominations due: April 21, 2023

  • Elections open: August 2023

  • Election results announced: October 2023

If you have questions about the nomination or election process, please contact the nominating committee at neair@neair.org

2023 Nominating Committee Members:

Raldy Laguilles, Chair and Immediate Past President
Inger Bergom, Private Sector
Steven Babbin, At-Large
Kimberly Buxton, At-Large
Jessica Diehl, At-Large
Michael Kirkpatrick, At-Large
Laura Walker, At-Large